Group of people standing together

Talent and Demographics

Hutto is a rapidly growing community with a young and educated population. Young couples and families make up a key part of Hutto’s demographic and contribute to the City’s strong workforce and economy. Two out of five residents are under the age of 30, with a population that is slightly more female.

Median Age

Exponential Growth

The population of Hutto and the Austin MSA has rapidly increased over the past two decades and is expected to continue to grow. 

  • 27,577   Population (Hutto, 2020)

  • 394,800 Population (Within 10 Miles, 2021)

  • 448,315 Population (Within 10 Miles, Projected 2026)

Post-Secondary Education

Hutto residents are highly educated, with a large number pursuing post-secondary education. The area also boasts a high number of colleges and universities.

Associate’s Degree or Higher
Bachelor’s Degree or Higher
Universities within 50 miles


Households in Hutto earn a median household income that is higher than both the Texas and US median. 37.78% of households earn more than $100k a year.

Hutto Median Income
More than Texas
More than the US

Homeownership is high in Hutto, with much higher owner-occupied rates than in Texas and the US. There are 67% more households who own their home than there are renters.

  • 83.36% Homeowners

  • 16.64% Renters

Culturally Diverse

Residents of Hutto come from various backgrounds, creating a community that is culturally rich and diverse.

  • 45.1% White 

  • 32.13% Hispanic

  • 13.6% Black 

  • 4.97% Multirace

  • 3.02% Asian

  • .75% Other

  • .21% American Indian

  • .12% Pacific Islander

Photo of couple standing in front of a bar
Photo of three police officers standing in front of The City of Hutto seal
Photo of children holding Juneteenth signs in a parade.


Because of Hutto’s location in the Austin MSA, the City is able to draw in a highly diverse set of skilled and educated workers.

Hutto is a highly attractive living option for people looking for employment in the Austin area, with a much lower cost of living and home prices.

Workforce for Growing Industries

Industries that are growing in the area, including semiconductors, electric vehicles, advanced technology, life sciences, and distribution and logistics, will find a ready workforce with the necessary skills, training, and education. The area is continuing to grow, adding more talent for businesses.